2 Must Read Books For Stock Market Investors.
It’r really important to know the basics about the stocks before entering the market as lack of knowledge in this field almost always leads to a huge financial loss. Further, loss of capital also leads to a decline in the morale of the investor.
Therefore, today I am going to give you the names of 10 must read books for the stock market investors. So, be with me for the next few minutes while i give you a brief introduction and review about the 10 must read books for stock market investors. Here it goes:
2 Must Read Books For Stock Market Investors:
This book is ranked 1 in my list of 10 must read books for stock market investors. Peter Lynch, the Author of the book, is one of the most successful fund manager with an average annual return of 30% on his portfolio for a period of 13 years. A great record for a mutual fund manager.
- This classic book explains all the important basics that a beginner should know before investing.
- From preparing to invest to the long-term view, everything is covered in this book. Here, Peter Lynch describes his stock picking approach for Winning stocks.
The Intelligent Investor
This is also known as the Bible of the stock market. A must read book written by the legendary Benjamin Graham, a.k.a. the mentor of the greatest investor of all time- Warren buffet.
The book explains about the fundamentals of the stock market for value investors. There are three main concepts covered in this book.
First, the investing approach for a defensive investor and enterprising (aggressive) investor. The other two concepts introduced by Graham in this book are- Mr. Market and Margin of Safety for easy explanation of the market behaviour and risk management.
I will highly recommend you to read this evergreen classic book on stock market. There are many concepts that you can learn by reading this book. I have already read this book 2 times.
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