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Doji means unskillfully formed.
These kinds of candlesticks are called Doji or unskillfully, because they don’t have a body.
When the open price and close price are the same, the candlestick will have no body and is called Doji candlestick.
Doji candlesticks have no color, and so they are neither Bullish nor Bearish.
What does it mean?
It means both Bulls and Bears have the same power and are matched and the price doesn’t know where to go.
It doesn’t know if it goes up or down, because Bulls are not able to increase the price and Bears are not able to decrease it.
So Doji candlesticks are indecision and uncertainty signals.
Of course, sometimes the open and close prices are not exactly the same, and so the Doji candlestick will have a small body.
However, when the body is too small, still the candlestick can be known as a Doji candlestick that should have no body typically.
All kinds of Doji candlesticks need confirmation.
I will tell you what confirmation means.
There are different types of Doji candlesticks.
The most important one is called Rickshaw Man.
In Rickshaw Man, the cross bar is roughly central.
Rickshaw Man is a strong indecision signal.
So when you see it at the top of an uptrend, it means the price can go higher, or lower, or move sideways.

Another kind of Doji is called Gravestone:
This kind of Doji also means indecision.
When it forms at the top of an uptrend, it means the price wants to stop going up and maybe bounce down or move sideways for a while.


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